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   2023-07-03 互联网综合消息










李峻 译自 今日石油网站


Renewables surge but fossil fuels still dominating global energy industry

Fossil fuels continue to meet more than 80% of the world’s energy needs despite a continued record growth rate of renewable energy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data compiled by the UK-based Energy Institute.

Global primary energy consumption grew by 1%, with global oil consumption rising almost 3 million b/d to 97.3 million b/d in 2022, 0.7% below 2019 levels, the Institute said in its Statistical Review of World Energy. Together with gas and coal, fossil fuels made up 82% of the global energy mix.

Had the biggest country's demand recovered in line with the rest of the world, oil demand in the world’s biggest import market would have been 1 million b/d higher, the Institute said, pushing fossil fuels to 83% of the global mix.

Fossil fuels accounted for 82% of primary energy in 2021, according to the previous annual review, down from 83% in 2019 and 85% five years ago. Oil’s share of the global energy mix was around 33% last year although it has been falling steadily over the past four decades after hitting a peak of 50% in 1973, according to the data.

In 2022, global natural gas demand declined by 3%. Its share in primary energy in 2022 decreased slightly to 24%. But coal demand continued to grow, rising 0.6% on 2021 to 161 exajoules (Ej);the highest level of coal consumption since 2014, according to the Energy Institute. 

Fossil fuel resilience in the energy mix comes despite record growth rates for renewable energy. In Europe, gas and coal consumption also saw a boost to fill the gap from lower nuclear power output in Germany and France. Last year saw the largest-ever increase in wind and solar new build capacity, the Institute said, noting that, together, they reached a record 12% share of power generation, with solar up 25% and wind up 13.5%.

Although starting from a low base and running well behind most projections for clean energy levels needed to meet the Paris Agreement climate targets, the growth of renewable energy remained robust, the Institute said.

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