
   2023-07-06 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据7月4日NS Energy报道,根据“销售天然气管网增强(ESTIDAMA)计划”,阿国油旗下公司计划将其现有管道网络

据7月4日NS Energy报道,根据“销售天然气管网增强(ESTIDAMA)计划”,阿国油旗下公司计划将其现有管道网络从近3200公里扩展到3500公里以上,此次授予的合同是这家总部位于阿联酋的天然气处理公司计划的一部分。

ADNOC天然气公司已将价值13.4亿美元的天然气管道网络扩建合同授予阿联酋石油公司(Petrofac Emirates)和国家石油建设公司(National Petroleum Construction)与caat International组成的财团。



ADNOC天然气公司首席执行官Ahmed Mohamed Alebri表示,“我们的战略网络扩张将通过增加天然气这种具有成本竞争力和低碳密集型燃料的工业获取,为阿联酋更多地区带来低成本、可持续和更清洁的天然气优势。扩建的管道将推动ADNOC天然气公司和我们的股东收益进一步增长,因为我们履行了实现阿联酋天然气自给自足的使命”。



阿联酋石油公司(Petrofac Emirates)获得了一份价值7亿美元的工程、采购和施工合同,将在Habshan综合设施建造一座新的气体压缩机工厂。



王佳晶 译自 NS Energy


ADNOC Gas awards $1.3bn contracts for expansion of gas pipeline system

The contracts awarded are part of the UAE-based gas processing company’s plans to extend its existing pipeline network from nearly 3,200km to more than 3,500km under the sales gas pipeline network enhancement (ESTIDAMA) programme.

ADNOC Gas has awarded contracts worth $1.34bn for the expansion of its natural gas pipeline network to Petrofac Emirates and the consortium between National Petroleum Construction and C.A.T International.

The UAE-based gas processing company plans to extend its existing pipeline network from nearly 3,200km to more than 3,500km under the sales gas pipeline network enhancement (ESTIDAMA) programme. This includes the construction of a new natural gas pipeline.

According to ADNOC Gas, the new pipeline will facilitate the transportation of increased volumes of natural gas to customers in the Northern emirates of the UAE.

The ADNOC subsidiary expects the pipeline extension to propel additional growth for the company in its mission to provide sustainable gas supplies in the UAE. This is in support of the strategy of the company to boost its market share and improve its customer base.

ADNOC Gas CEO Ahmed Mohamed Alebri said: “Our strategic network expansion will bring the advantages of lower-cost, sustainable and cleaner gas to more locations across the UAE by enhancing industrial access to natural gas, a cost-competitive and lower-carbon intensive fuel.

“The expanded pipeline will drive further growth for ADNOC Gas and our shareholders as we deliver on our mandate to achieve gas self-sufficiency for the UAE.”

The ESTIDAMA programme is made up of various packages. The first of these was awarded in 2021 to execute early modification works on existing pipelines, which was completed this year.

The second and third packages have been awarded now. These involve the installation of new pipelines and a gas compression plant in Habshan that will help supply critical feed gas to major customers across the UAE, said ADNOC Gas.

Petrofac Emirates has been awarded a $700m engineering, procurement, and construction award for a new gas compressor plant at the Habshan Complex.

The new plant will underpin ADNOC to significantly boost gas output from the Habshan Complex, located west of Abu Dhabi. It will comprise three gas compressor trains, related utilities, and power systems.

ADNOC has developed an integrated gas masterplan to link all parts of the gas value chain in the UAE to enable a sustainable and economical supply of natural gas to fulfill domestic and international demand. The plan features innovative approaches and technologies to ramp up recovery of gas from existing fields as well as developing resources that are yet to be exploited.

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