
   2023-07-13 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油价网7月10日消息称,挪威油气运营商DNO ASA在挪威北海Carmen区块发现了一个重要的天然气和凝析油区块。

据油价网7月10日消息称,挪威油气运营商DNO ASA在挪威北海Carmen区块发现了一个重要的天然气和凝析油区块。综合数据初步评估表明,Carmen的总可采资源量在1.2亿至2.3亿桶当量之间,是2013年以来挪威大陆架最大的发现。

“Carmen证明还有重要资源有待发现,挪威历史最悠久的石油公司DNO将成为该国石油和天然气故事新篇章的一部分。”DNO执行主席Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani说。


挪威能源公司Aker BP周四公布,6月,该公司在北海Yggdrasil地区发现了比预期多得多的石油。初步估计表明,这一发现总可采储量为4000万至9000万桶油当量,远高于该公司此前预计的1800万至4500万桶油当量。

这一发现将大大增强Aker BP在Yggdrasil开发方面的资源基础,此前估计该地区的总油当量为6.5亿桶。该油田位于873和442生产许可证范围内,在873许可证范围内,Equinor ASA和PGNiG Upstream Norway是合作伙伴。该项目的开发和运营计划(PDO)于2022年12月提交给挪威当局,计划于2027年开始生产。


曹海斌 译自 油价网


Norway Makes Biggest Hydrocarbon Discovery In 10 Years

Norwegian oil and gas operator, DNO ASA, has made a significant gas and condensate discovery on the Carmen prospect in the Norwegian North Sea. Preliminary evaluation of comprehensive data indicates gross recoverable resources in the range of 120-230 , making millionCarmen ranks as the largest discovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf since 2013.

“Carmen proves there are important discoveries still to be made and Norway’s oldest oil company, DNO, will be part of this next chapter of the country’s oil and gas story,” said DNO’s Executive Chairman Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani.

Norway has become the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe. Norway's pipeline gas exports to continental Europe have been robust in the current year, with flows averaging 313 million cu m/d.

Last month, Norway’s Aker BP (NYSE:BP) (OTCQX:AKRBF) made a much bigger than expected oil discovery in the Yggdrasil area of the North Sea, the energy company reported on Thursday.

Preliminary estimates indicate a gross recoverable volume of 40 million-90 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe), much higher than the company’s earlier projection of between 18 million and 45 million boe.

The discovery will significantly enhance Aker BP’s resource base for the Yggdrasil development, which previously was estimated at 650M gross boe.The oil discovery is located within production licenses 873 and 442: In license 873, with Equinor ASA (NYSE:EQNR) and PGNiG Upstream Norway as partners. The plan for development and operations (PDO) for this project was submitted to Norwegian authorities in December 2022, with production scheduled to start in 2027.

The North Sea is home to substantial known oil and gas reserves. According to a report produced by the Oil and Gas Authority, known reserves of oil and gas in the North Sea at the end of 2020 amounted to 4.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE).

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