
   2023-07-18 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据海上工程网7月14日报道,油气勘探公司图洛石油公司(Tullow Oil)及其合作伙伴宣布了Jubilee South East (J

据海上工程网7月14日报道,油气勘探公司图洛石油公司(Tullow Oil)及其合作伙伴宣布了Jubilee South East (JSE)项目的投产。

位于加纳近海的JSE项目,是Greater Jubilee油田的一部分。

图洛在该项目的合作伙伴包括科斯莫斯能源公司、加纳国家石油公司、Petro SA和Jubilee石油控股公司。


加纳能源部长Matthew Opoku Prempeh表示,2017年10月,能源部批准了Greater Jubilee Full油田开发计划,为JSE项目的开发投资铺平了道路,该项目现已在JSE地区交付了首批石油。


根据GlobalData的数据显示,Greater Jubilee常规油田产量在2015年达到峰值,目前已开采了其总可采储量的54.27%。


图洛首席执行官Rahul Dhir表示,“通过我们强大的项目管理和运营能力,我们已经交付了一个复杂的海上开发项目,这是为我们业务释放价值的关键催化剂之一。随着2023年下半年产量的增加,我们为未来的增长做好了准备,这将产生大量的自由现金流”。

郝芬 译自 海上工程网


Tullow Oil starts production from project offshore Ghana

Oil and gas exploration company Tullow Oil, along with its partners, has announced the production from the Jubilee South East (JSE) project.

Located offshore Ghana, the JSE project is part of the Greater Jubilee oil field.

Tullow’s partners on the project include Kosmos Energy, Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, Petro SA and Jubilee Oil Holdings.

The first JSE-producing well has started operating and to maintain gross Jubilee production of over 100,000 barrels of oil per day, a further two producers and one water injector are anticipated to start up this year.

Ghana Minister of Energy Matthew Opoku Prempeh said: “The approval of the Greater Jubilee Full Field Development Plan by the Ministry in October 2017 paved the way for investment in the development of the JSE project, which has now culminated in the delivery of the First Oil from the JSE area.

Tullow said that the joint venture partners have identified numerous viable drilling sites and are concentrating on high-grading these opportunities to expand the plateau and exploit the full potential of the substantial Jubilee resource base.

According to GlobalData, the Greater Jubilee conventional oil field reached its peak production in 2015 and has recovered 54.27% of its total recoverable reserves.

Tullow and its partners have invested over $1bn (11.4bn cedis) in the JSE project to bring previously untapped reserves into production.

Tullow CEO Rahul Dhir said: “Through our strong project management and operating capability, we have delivered a complex offshore development which is one of the key catalysts to unlock value for our business. We are well positioned for future growth with production ramping up in the second half of 2023 that will generate significant free cash flow.”

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