
   2023-07-26 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据世界石油网站7月21日报道,马来西亚国家石油公司(PETRONAS)的全资子公司PETRONAS Carigali有限公司在马来

据世界石油网站7月21日报道,马来西亚国家石油公司(PETRONAS)的全资子公司PETRonAS Carigali有限公司在马来西亚沙捞越(Sarawak)沿海的5个区块获得了6处油气发现。

SK306区块的Gedombak井和SK411区块(巴林吉亚省)的米尔丹加井;SK313区块的Sinsing井、SK301B区块的Machinchang井和Pangkin井以及SK315区块的Kalung Emas井(位于西卢科尼亚省)来自新的和现有的油田群,污染物水平较低。

这些油气发现是在2022年底开始的密集国内勘探钻井活动的情况下取得的,该活动也促使了SK306区块的Nahara-1的发现,这是PETRonAS Carigali区块在过去几十年里的一个重大石油发现。

马来西亚国家石油公司执行副总裁兼上游首席执行官Datuk Adif Zulkifli表示,这一系列的成功发现清楚地表明,马来西亚盆地仍有未开发的勘探潜力,等待着那些愿意采用创新方法的公司去发现。这一成就也归功于马来西亚国家石油公司的创新“集群勘探”方法,这是一种适合于地质高度成熟地区的独特勘探方式。马来西亚国家石油公司勘探副总裁Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman表示,“这些发现是我们勘探团队愿意迎接挑战积极创新的结果。我们对早期的成功感到非常高兴,并将继续努力”。

郝芬 译自 世界石油 网站


PETRonAS makes six oil, gas discoveries offshore Malaysia

PETRonAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of PETRONAS, has made six oil and gas discoveries in five blocks off the coast of Sarawak, Malaysia.

The Gedombak well in Block SK306 and the Mirdanga well in Block SK411 (in the Balingian province), the Sinsing well in Block SK313, the Machinchang and Pangkin wells in Block SK301B, and the Kalung Emas well in Block SK315 (in the West Luconia province), stem from new and existing group of oil fields and exhibit low levels of contaminants.

The oil and gas discoveries were achieved on the back of an intensive domestic exploration drilling campaign commenced in late 2022 that had also led to the discovery of the Nahara-1 in Block SK306, a significant oil discovery by PETRonAS Carigali within the last few decades.

PETRonAS Executive Vice President and CEO of Upstream, Datuk Adif Zulkifli said, “This string of successful discoveries clearly shows the still untapped exploration potential of Malaysia’s basins, waiting to be discovered by companies who are willing to adopt new and innovative ways.  

This achievement is also attributed to PETRonAS Carigali’s innovative "clustered exploration" approach, a unique style of prospecting suited for highly matured geological provinces. PETRonAS Vice President of Exploration, Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman said, “These discoveries are the result of our exploration teams’ willingness to challenge norms and defy long-standing dogmas. We are highly encouraged by our early success and will continue enhancing our efforts."

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