市场趋紧 油价创2022年初以来最大月度涨幅

   2023-08-02 互联网综合消息





高盛集团分析师Daan Struyven和Yulia Zhestkova Grigsby在一份报告中表示,“历史最高水平的高需求和沙特的供应削减已经带来了原油赤字,该报告重申了布伦特原油到12月将达到每桶86美元的预测,市场已经放弃了对经济增长的悲观情绪”。




王佳晶 摘译自 彭博社


Oil Set for Best Month Since Early 2022 as Market Tightens

Oil headed for its biggest monthly gain in more than a year on signs the market is tightening, with estimates that crude demand is running at a record clip just as OPEC+ cuts back production.

West Texas Intermediate held above $80 a barrel after a run of five weekly gains that lifted prices to the highest since April. The US crude benchmark has rallied almost 14% this month, putting it on course for the biggest advance since January 2022. It’s the best performance for July in almost two decades.

“Record high demand and Saudi supply cuts have brought back deficits,” Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analysts including Daan Struyven and Yulia Zhestkova Grigsby said in a note that reaffirmed a forecast for Brent at $86 a barrel by December. “The market has abandoned its growth pessimism.”

Oil’s string of advances mean futures in New York have erased their year-to-date losses, with expectations that the Federal Reserve is close to ending its cycle of monetary tightening also aiding sentiment as the dollar weakens. US employment data due this week is likely to signal a healthy demand outlook, while top importer presses on with stimulus to boost its economy.

A reduction of supply from OPEC+ linchpins Saudi Arabia  has improved the outlook for crude. Earlier this month, 

Speculators have boosted bullish wagers across the energy complex as crude prices broke out of their recent range. Combined net long positions on WTI and global benchmark Brent have swelled to the highest in three months.

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