
   2023-08-09 互联网综合消息







ADNOC的执行董事Musabbeh Al Kaabi在阿联酋通讯社WAM发布的一份声明中表示:“我们相信与SOCAR和道达尔能源的战略合作伙伴关系将释放出里海地区未来几十年的潜力,并为阿联酋和阿塞拜疆之间更广泛的能源合作增色,加速全球可再生能源领域的增长,两国正在采取大胆措施转向低碳未来。”



道达尔能源的勘探与生产总裁Nicolas Terraz在谈到与阿联酋公司的交易时表示:“道达尔能源很高兴欢迎其战略合作伙伴之一ADNOC加入Absheron天然气田开发,该气田的第一阶段生产于今年7月初开始,为满足不断增长的天然气需求提供了重要的进一步发展潜力。”

胡耀东 译自 油价网


ADNOC Acquires 30% Stake In Azeri Gas Field

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) will buy 30% in the Absheron gas field in the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan by acquiring stakes from the current partners in the field, TotalEnergies and SOCAR. 

The French supermajor and State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) have signed an agreement to sell a 15% participating interest each in the Absheron gas field to ADNOC, TotalEnergies said on Friday.

After completion of the transaction, subject to the approval by the relevant authorities, TotalEnergies and SOCAR will each own 35% in Absheron, and ADNOC will have 30% in the gas and condensate field, where first gas was achieved last month. Financial details of the transaction are not being disclosed.

ADNOC’s investment in the Caspian region is part of the strategy of the UAE’s state oil and gas giant to expand on international gas markets.

“We believe this strategic partnership with SOCAR and TotalEnergies, unlocks the potential of the Caspian region for decades to come and complements a broader energy collaboration between the UAE and Azerbaijan that will accelerate the growth of the global renewable energy sector as both countries take bold steps to transition towards a lower-carbon future,” Musabbeh Al Kaabi, Executive Director of Low Carbon Solutions and International Growth at ADNOC, said in a statement carried by the Emirates News Agency, WAM.

Last month, TotalEnergies and its joint venture partner SOCAR began natural gas production from the Absheron gas and condensate field. The first phase of the development of the field has a production capacity of 4 million cubic meters of gas per day and 12,000 barrels per day of condensate. 

The gas will be sold on the domestic market in Azerbaijan, which could free more gas from other Azerbaijani fields for exports, analysts say.

“TotalEnergies is pleased to welcome ADNOC, one of its strategic partners, into the Absheron gas field, where production of the first phase started in early July, and which offers a significant further development potential to meet the growing gas demand”, Nicolas Terraz, President, Exploration & Production at TotalEnergies, said today, commenting on the deal with the UAE firm. 

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