
   2023-08-22 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油价网8月17日报道,阿布扎比国家能源集团的天然气部门ADNOC Gas与日本石油开发公司(Japex)签署了一项

据油价网8月17日报道,阿布扎比国家能源集团的天然气部门ADNOC Gas与日本石油开发公司(Japex)签署了一项为期五年的液化天然气(LNG)供应协议。

这项LNG供应协议的价值介于4.5亿到5.5亿美元之间,“构建在阿联酋和日本之间长期的双边关系基础上,以及ADNOC在与日本能源公司建立的互惠战略合作伙伴关系”,阿联酋通讯社援引ADNOC Gas的话报道。


另一方面,ADNOC和ADNOC Gas正在寻求扩大其国际影响力,并在最近几周签署了几项重要的海外协议。

今年7月,ADNOC Gas与印度石油公司签署了一项长期协议,向印度石油公司供应LNG,协议价值在70亿至90亿美元之间。

根据协议的条款,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)的综合气体部门ADNOC Gas将在14年内向印度石油公司出口每年多达120万吨的LNG,阿布扎比公司在一份声明中表示。

作为阿联酋销售天然气需求的供应方,ADNOC Gas拥有对阿联酋95%巨大天然气储量的开采权限,正在寻求在LNG市场增长和各国寻求多样化供应以提升能源安全性的背景下扩大其全球影响力。


胡耀东 译自 油价网


ADNOC Gas Signs LNG Deal With Japanese Energy Giant

ADNOC Gas, the natural gas arm of Abu Dhabi’s state energy group, has signed an agreement with Japan Petroleum Exploration (Japex) to supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) for five years.

The LNG supply deal is valued between $450 million and $550 million and “builds on the long-standing bilateral relationship between the UAE and Japan and ADNOC’s track record of fostering mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with Japanese energy companies,” Emirates News Agency quoted ADNOC Gas as saying.

Japan, heavily dependent on energy imports, is looking to boost its energy security and lower import bills amid volatile energy commodity prices and altered energy flows following the geopolitical conflicts.

ADNOC and ADNOC Gas, on the other hand, are looking to expand their international presence and have signed several major deals abroad in recent weeks.

ADNOC Gas signed in July a long-term agreement to supply LNG to Indian Oil Corporation, in a deal worth between $7 billion and $9 billion.

Under the terms of the agreement, ADNOC Gas, the integrated gas unit of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), will export up to 1.2 million metric tonnes per annum (mmtpa) of LNG to Indian Oil over a period of 14 years, the Abu Dhabi company said in a statement.

ADNOC Gas, which supplies around 60% of the UAE’s sales gas needs and has access to 95% of the UAE’s huge gas reserves, looks to expand its global presence as the LNG market grows and countries look to diversify supply to boost energy security.

Earlier this month, ADNOC announced it would buy 30% of the Absheron gas field in the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan by acquiring stakes from the current partners in the field, TotalEnergies and SOCAR. After completion of the transaction, TotalEnergies and SOCAR will each own 35% in Absheron, and ADNOC will have 30% in the gas and condensate field, where first gas was achieved last month.

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