
   2023-08-18 互联网综合消息




这家英国能源巨头的风险投资部门bp Ventures周二表示,该公司是总部位于美国的Advanced Ionics 1250万美元a轮融资的几家投资者之一。




这项投资将允许Advanced Ionics加速其用于重工业的水蒸汽基电解槽的小规模部署。

根据Advanced Ionics公司所述,这项名为Symbion的技术利用工厂现有运行过程中释放的热量,将每公斤氢的用电量降至35千瓦时以下,而普通电解槽每公斤氢的用电量超过50千瓦时。


Advanced Ionics已经与西班牙油气公司雷普索尔(Repsol)开展了试点项目。


郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


BP Backs Green Hydrogen Start-Up Aiming to Cut Fuel's Costs

BP has invested in a start-up company developing technology seeking to use vapor from heavy industry to sharply reduce the production costs of zero-carbon hydrogen.

BP Ventures, the British energy giant's venture capital arm, was among several investors in a $12.5 million Series A financing in U.S.-based Advanced Ionics, the companies said on Tuesday.

Other investors include Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Clean Energy Ventures and Gatemore Capital Management.

Green hydrogen, produced by splitting water through electrolysis using renewable energy, is expected to play a key role in decarbonizing transport and industries.

But it is produced today on a very small scale and costs up to five times more than the most common hydrogen produced from natural gas, which is highly carbon-intensive.

The investment will allow Advanced Ionics to accelerate the small-scale deployment of its water vapor-based electrolyzers for heavy industry.

The technology, Symbion, uses heat emitted from a plant's existing operations to drive the electricity use to less than 35 kilowatt hours (kWh) per kilogram of hydrogen compared with more than 50 kWh per kilogram for a typical electrolyzer, according to Advanced Ionics.

It sharply reduces the cost of electricity for the electrolysis process, which accounts for more than 70% of green hydrogen production costs, the company said.

The lower electricity consumption will drive the cost of green hydrogen to less than $1 per kilogram, which is less than most fossil-fuel based production, it said.

Advanced Ionics is already running a pilot program with Spanish oil and gas company Repsol.

BP, which aims to sharply reduce its carbon emissions in the coming decades, is betting big on green hydrogen. By 2030, it aims to produce between 0.5 and 0.7 million tonnes per year of primarily green hydrogen.

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