Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly(刘永凯/摄)Ms Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly (Photo/Liu Yongkai)
通讯员(刘永凯)Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly是Addax公司文化交流和社会责任部经理,主要负责推广企业品牌、维护企业声誉并全权协调管理公司所有的交流渠道,向社会表达公司的使命、价值观及社会责任等。
Provided by Liu Yongkai
Ms Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly is the Head of Corporate Communications & CSR of Addax Petroleum, she is responsible for Addax Petroleum’s internal and external communications, which consists of managing corporate branding, reputation, and orchestrating all the company’s communication channels to explain its mission, vision, values and commitment to society.
Cajoly is also involved in the Human Resources. She has her own views on orchestrating Communications, CSR and Human Resources. She said, Communications, CSR and Human Resources are different functions, but they are converging fields of activity which are very much related, especially within the changing context Addax Petroleum is going through at the moment.
Acquired by Sinopec Group, Addax is going through an interesting process of integration. On the one hand, it implies recruiting new talents and motivating the employees, which is really the core focus of HR. On the other hand, it requires building the awareness of employees of common goals and clarifying the understanding of our new reality and strategy, both internally and externally. That is really the core focus of communications.

Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly (左1)在挑选图片。(刘永凯/摄)Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly(First Left) is selecting the photos.(Photo/Liu Yongkai)
Addax is a subsidiary of Sinopec Group, as a member of a China-funded company, Cajoly takes this a wonderful, challenging and a great opportunity to learn, for the employees’ vision is broadened and the business relation and scale is expanded tremendously. Additionally, Addax is much more focused on structure and standards than it used to be before the acquisition.
As a successful professional woman, Cajoly said the main obstacle in her career is time management. “Every day is a new challenge, so this may be a never ending story.”
As for how to become an outstanding career woman, Cajoly said, there are many extraordinary women working in different areas who represent models of success in multiple and varied ways. She is not sure she can advise anyone on this but her belief is that inner peace is essential. It is important to make sure that whatever you do is in line with whoever you are.

Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly(右一)在阅读AP News。(刘永凯/摄)Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly(First Right)is reading AP News.(Photo/Liu Yongkai)
For a career woman, it is a dilemma to strike a proper balance between the family and career. Yet, Cajoly thinks being dedicated to a family can be a full-time job and a demanding career. Certainly, it is a decision which needs to be made by the couple. If a woman, or a man, feels fulfilled by being at home with his/her family and children, and can manage to do it, well, why not?